Companies That Do These 8 Things Will Attract Generation Z

Generation Z will be different from Millennials. Organizations interested in employing top Generation Z talent should consider these eight things.
While this isn’t a comprehensive list, it’s a strong start to attracting and retaining Generation Z and positively positioning your organization in the increasingly competitive talent market.
The 8-Point Checklist to Attract and Retain Generation Z
1. Digitalize Talent Attraction
Ninety-one percent of Generation Z said technological sophistication would impact their interest in working at a company.
Company’s talent attraction efforts must be as digitally native as Generation Z. To reach next-generation talent pools, disrupt the prevailing models of talent attraction by using innovative technology–here are eight recruiting tools to consider. Ensure your company has a strong presence on Indeed, LinkedIn, and these other top websites and mobile apps that Generation Z uses to discover their ideal employers.
2. Offer Internships
Seventy-three percent of Generation Z are preparing for employment through relevant internships and through their area of study.
Witnessing the heavy burden of student debt caused for Millennials, Generation Z is eager to pay as they go with 70 percent contributing to their college tuition through a salary earned from a job in college. Leverage Generation Z’s desire to get to work early as an opportunity to scout talent. (Read this to learn specific steps that SAP is taking to employ Generation Z.)
3. Provide Cross-Organization Exposure
Recent college graduates are 2.5 times more likely to stay with their employer for five or more years if they feel their skills are fully utilized with challenging, meaningful work. Yet 54 percent of recent college graduates feel underemployed.
One of the top three things Generation Z looks for in an employer is professional development opportunities. One of the best ways to move Generation Z from underemployed to fully utilized is to offer boundary-less projects where young professionals can learn and interact in multiple areas of the organization. In fact, 75 percent of Generation Z would be interested in a situation in which they could have multiple roles within one place of employment.
4. Co-Design Career Plans
Sixty-four percent of Generation Z cited “opportunity for career growth” as a top career priority.
Generation Z has a desire to enter fields and organizations with room for long-term growth. While 83 percent of new graduates agree that their education prepared them well for their career, they are looking to their employer to partner in their next phase of growth and development. “Partner” is the key word as Generation Z is interested in co-designing their career plan with their employer and then taking advantage of the professional development opportunities available to them to help them advance in their careers.
5. Deliver Relevant Training
Eighty-four percent of Generation Z expect their first employer to provide formal training.
Growing up in a fast and untethered world where information is instantly accessible, Generation Z demands the same flexibility, accessibility, and speed from the training their employer offers. Services like that deliver training in an on-demand, micro-learning, and mobile-first format will become the new norm for training the next generation workforce.
7. Lead by Coaching
Sixty-seven percent of Generation Z is comfortable with having their manager check in with them but only for five minutes or less.
The leadership style that resonates best with Generation Z is coaching. Generation Z will turn to Google, YouTube, or Alexa first for answers instead of their future managers. Therefore managers must adjust their approach and serve as a guide where they coach Generation Z through their self-directed learning, mistakes, and successes. (Read this for three steps for coaching Generation Z effectively.)
8. Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion
Seventy-seven percent of Generation Z said that a company’s level of diversity affects their decision to work there.
While Generation Z will seek employers with a favorable reputation, a positive impact on the environment, and are socially responsible; how the company treats its people is of the utmost importance. Generation Z will flock to employers and leaders who treat every employee equally and fairly. (Read this for six steps to become an inclusive leader.)
About the Author
Ryan Jenkins is a Millennial and Generation Z speaker who helps organizations better lead, engage, and sell to the emerging generations. He is a leading voice on the multi-generational workplace and the future of work. He is also the author of The Millennial Manual: The Complete How-To Guide to Manage, Develop, and Engage Millennials at Work.